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Kenex to collaborate with the NSW Department of Industry to undertake mineral potential studies.
Kenex is pleased to announce that it has been selected by the New South Wales Department of Industry to undertake mineral potential studies within the Southern New England Orogen in the north-eastern part of the state. Working closely with the Geological Survey of NSW (GSNSW), and in particular the Geoscience Acquisition & Synthesis unit, the collective project team will produce a comprehensive accounting of the mineral resource potential for granite related (tin, tungsten, bismuth, molybdenum, gold and silver) and orogenic gold-antimony mineral systems. The aim for the project is to produce predictive mineral potential models for each of these mineral systems that provide output for:
Land planning and advice purposes;
Technical resources for improved mineral system studies, including global endowment estimations; and
Promotion of the South New England Orogen through the generation of targets and prospective tracts to reduce exploration risk and encourage the uptake of exploration titles and increase exploration expenditure, particularly in regards to drilling.
We are looking forward to working with the mineral system experts and data managers at the GSNSW where our complementary expertise in predictive modelling will deliver on project outcomes and support the GSNSW’s well developed strategy of providing highest quality pre-competitive geoscience information and research, as well as attracting new investment in the states mining and exploration industry.
Kenex has developed substantial experience over 15 years in exploration data management and predictive modelling for minerals in a number of countries around the globe and for a number of different mineral systems. We have worked on behalf of exploration and mining companies and government clients at regional and local scale. We have recently developed capability in 3D predictive modelling which we are currently applying to a number of projects internationally for drill hole targeting and further geologically constraining resource estimation work. It is this expertise and experience that we consider has led to the GSNSW seeking out Kenex to support that agency delivering on its objectives.
About the Geological Survey of NSW
The Geological Survey of New South Wales sits within the NSW Department of Industry and is one of the oldest agencies in NSW Government, being continuously active since 1875. It has played a key-role in the development of NSW’s mineral wealth. Their aim is to build the foundation for resource discovery by providing high quality pre-competitive geoscience information and research, as well as attracting new investment in the state’s mining and exploration industry. They collect and manage geological, geophysical and geospatial data to inform and advise Government, exploration and mining industries and the community about the state’s mineral, coal and petroleum resources. NSW Department of Industry is the lead economic development agency in New South Wales, responsible for driving sustainable economic growth across NSW. They work with local, national and international customers and achieve results by collaborating with and supporting businesses, industries and communities.
PDAC national infrastructure study completed by Kenex and Minex Consulting
Over the past 18 months Kenex Ltd has been working with respected Australian mineral economist Richard Schodde (MinEx Consulting Pty Ltd) on a project for the Prospectors and Developers Association of Canada (PDAC). The PDAC commissioned a study to assess the impact of remoteness on the mining industry, and to identify those districts in Canada where strategic investments in enhanced infrastructure could stimulate the development of new mines.
Through the combining of detailed economic analysis (MinEX) with Kenex’s specialised spatial modelling approach to statistically map a number of relevant parameters (climate, geography, distance to/from markets, lack of existing infrastructure, commodity type and mine scale) the economic impact of remoteness in terms of the required increase in ore grade needed to achieve the same economic return as a similarly-sized project in an area of perfect infrastructure could be understood. The results of this work were presented to government officials in Ottawa on 17 October 2016 and received very positive feedback. The outputs are expected to be used by officials to assist in their decision making regarding future infrastructure investment and therefore enhanced regional economic development opportunities in remote areas of Canada. This is just one of a several infrastructure focussed spatial analysis projects Kenex has been involved in lately. Others have included wind prospectivity analysis in relation to the transmission network in Australia and industrial mineral prospectivity in relation to rail and port infrastructure in the Middle East.
Kenex and Emmerson Resources new permits granted in New South Wales
The first of four applications that Kenex have made in conjunction with Alliance partner Emmerson Resources Limited in the Lachlan Fold Belt (NSW, Australia) have been granted by the NSW Department of Industry.
One of the challenges of exploring in NSW is the presence of younger cover sequences obscuring the prospective host rocks and, rendering traditional targeting for the next big mineral discovery obsolete. Emmerson entered into a strategic alliance with Kenex Limited (ASX: August 2015) with the specific objective of developing tools to predict new high quality gold and copper deposits beneath such cover and within the highly prospective geological belts of NSW and QLD.
Kenex is at the forefront of developing 2D and 3D predictive models from multiple datasets that aim to statistically improve the probability of discovery. In a “blind test” of this approach, the porphyry copper-gold models for NSW identified 56moz of gold from the total known gold endowment (includes production) of 59mozs. Similarly the epithermal gold model identified 6mozs from a total known endowment of 7mozs of gold.
The first four of the strategic alliance top ten targets occur near Wellington, Parkes, Temora and Fifield collectively constituting some 768km² in area. These targets are highly prospective for both epithermal gold-silver and porphyry copper-gold – and share many of the attributes that are present in the known, larger gold and copper-gold deposits within the Lachlan Fold Belt of NSW (e.g. Cadia, Ridgeway, Cowal).
Data compilation has now been completed on the Wellington and Temora targets where historical exploration has confirmed their prospectivity. The next step of exploration is underway and will include collecting high resolution aeromagnetics to better pinpoint specific areas for ground based exploration.
Emmerson Managing Director, Mr Rob Bills, commented “the first batch of targets from the strategic alliance with Kenex are underpinned by a very rigorous process of identifying the key elements that pinpoint world class mineralisation in the Lachlan Fold Belt. Kenex are experts in this field, having produced similar products in over 20 countries/regions around the world including in Oman (for VMS mineralisation), New Zealand (epithermal gold), the Tampia gold deposit in Western Australia and more locally, at our Tennant Creek Project in the Northern Territory. Thus we are confident that this innovative approach and investment in area selection will produce high quality projects and eventually mines. Further targets, both on open and held ground are currently being assessed. We have commenced the first phase of exploration over the granted targets and already received interest from a number of larger companies that see the potential of this innovative approach. “
Emmerson Resources presents at the Australia Investors Association National Investors Conference
Emmerson Resources Limited Managing Director Rob Bills recently presented at the Australian Investors Association Conference on the Gold Coast. Among the several strands of work underway, Rob referred to targeting new opportunities using "big data" in alliance with Kenex. This work has seen the alliance apply for 4 project areas in NSW. A key theme running through Robs presentation was that of prediction and detection. Essentially the use of predictive spatial analysis to determine the areas of greatest geological potential which are then investigated in the field by appropriate detection technologies. For Emmerson, new technology and ideas continue to drive exploration in both their Tennant Creek project and in identifying new gold-copper opportunities
Emmerson Resources announce results at Edna Beryl
Kenex client Emmerson Resources (ASX:ERM) has announced new results from recent drilling of the Edna Beryl prospect in the Tennant Creek Mineral Field, Northern Territory, Australia. The full ASX announcement can be found on their website. These new results at Edna Beryl confirm the high grade nature of the mineralisation and the potential for expansion beyond the sparse, existing drilling, particularly in ore Panel 3 and below. Kenex has worked with Emmerson in the Tennant Creek project area over the last 2 years and has formed a strategic alliance to identify exploration opportunities in other areas of Australia. Kenex is currently working with Emmerson on the Edna Beryl project to interpret data gathered from an optical bore hole imaging tool which also integrates with other tools, such as calliper, resistivity, natural gamma, conductivity, density and magnetic susceptibility probes. The data is being used to develop more robust geological models which will aid ongoing exploration plans as well as informing resource estimates for the project.
Explaurum see growth at Tampia
Kenex's client Explaurum Limited has seen significant recent growth in the exploration target area at their Tampia gold project in Western Australia. The following Mining News article provides an update on the project progress. Kenex continues to provide support to the project through exploration data management, field support for the drilling programmes and development of robust geological modelling to support mineral resource estimates.
News about the Tampia project
Kenex client Explaurum Limited has reported shallow, high-grade gold mineralisation at its Tampia project in Western Australia.Assays from 14 reverse circulation holes at Tampia returned 4m at 11.69gpt gold from 1m; 4m at 5.78gpt gold from 9m; 12m at 3.22gpt gold from 23m; 11m at 3.11gpt gold from 8m; and 8m at 9.47gpt gold from 14m. The company believes the results will add to the 310,000 ounce resource at the project. Kenex has been supporting the exploration efforts at the Tampia Hill project through provision of exploration data management and 3D geological modelling services.