
Kenex staff regularly present their work at conferences and workshops in New Zealand, Australia and Internationally. Have a look at our latest video presentations or scroll back through our archives below.

Czertowicz, T., Wearmouth, C., Peters, K., and Orovan, E.

Using mineral potential modelling to map the prospectivity for three critical mineral systems in Northwest BC

Evan Orovan (British Columbia Geological Survey) Arianne Ford (Kenex Pty Ltd, now at Geoscience Australia) Katie Peters (Kenex Pty Ltd)

GIS-Based Mineral Potential Modelling as a Strategic Planning Tool in British Columbia

Zadeh, E., and Peters, K., GSNZ Conference, Palmerston North, 29 November – 1 December 2022

Australian Granite Database: A Case Study for Large Scale Database Development

Czertowicz, T., 2022: SGA virtual conference, 28-31 March 2022

Maximising the extraction of geological information from geophysical datasets using machine learning

Partington, G., 2022: SGA virtual conference, 28-31 March 2022

Outcomes from using mineral potential modelling to support decision making in mineral exploration

Bergman, S., 2021: NZCS State of NZ Cartography seminar, 12 November 2021, Wellington

Using Spatial Data to Unearth the Potential of the Soil Below Our Feet

Ford, A., 2021: MinProXT webinar, 26-27 October 2021

Big (targeting criteria) data – Little (training) data

Ford, A., 2021: Australian Earth Sciences Convention, 9-12 February 2021

Random Forest Based Mineral Potential Mapping for Porphyry Cu-Au Mineralization in the Eastern Lachlan Orogen, NSW, Australia

Nielsen, S.H.H., 2020 : New Zealand Minerals Forum, 13-14 October 2020

The Sustainability of Extracting New Zealand’s Marine Mineral Resources

Ford, A., 2020 : New Zealand Minerals Forum, 13-14 October 2020

Insights into old data: Re-evaluating the gold potential of the Coromandel using machine learning

Nielsen, S.H.H., 2020 : New Zealand Minerals Forum, 13-14 October 2020

Enhancing Data Collected from Drilling Programmes using Downhole Wireline Logging & Televiewer Tools

Bergman, S., 2019 : PLACE conference, 13-15 November 2019, Rotorua

Quick and Easy Land Use Classification with QGIS

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