
Kenex co-founder Greg Partington and other members of the Kenex team have kept up an incredible track record of publishing papers in conference proceedings and scientific journals since Kenex was founded. You can read them here.

Greg A. Partington, Katie J. Peters, Tom A. Czertowicz, Phil A. Greville, Phillip L. Blevin and Engdawork A. Bahiru. 2024: Applied Geochemistry, Volume 168, July 2024.

Ranking mineral exploration targets in support of commercial decision making: A key component for inclusion in an exploration information system

Curran D. Wearmouth, Katie J. Peters, Thomas A. Czertowicz, and Evan A. Orovan

Mineral potential modelling results for northwestern British Columbia, a comparison between past and current work at the British Columbia Geological Survey

Our geologist Dr Eli Zadeh has recently published a paper in Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research presenting the results of her PhD research. Well done Eli!!

Katie Peters, Dr. Eli Zadeh

Australian Granite Database; potential for future geoscience projects in a green world

Czertowicz T, (2022) Maximising the extraction of geological information from geophysical datasets using machine learning and 3D mapping In: Christie AB (ed.) Proceedings of the 16th SGA Biennial Meeting, 28-31 March 2022, 1:77-80

Maximising the extraction of geological information from geophysical datasets using machine learning and 3D mapping

Partington G, (2022) Outcomes from using mineral potential modeling as a tool to support decision making in mineral exploration and resource development In: Christie AB (ed.) Proceedings of the 16th SGA Biennial Meeting, 28-31 March 2022, 1:302-305

Outcomes from using mineral potential modeling as a tool to support decision making in mineral exploration and resource development

Ford, A. 2020. Practical Implementation of Random Forest Based Mineral Potential Mapping for Porphyry Cu-Au Mineralization in the Eastern Lachlan Orogen, NSW, Australia. Natural Resources Research, v. 29, p. 267-283

Practical Implementation of Random Forest-Based Mineral Potential Mapping for Porphyry Cu–Au Mineralization in the Eastern Lachlan Orogen, NSW, Australia

Sterk, R., de Jong, K., Partington, G., Kerkvliet, S., van de Ven, M. : Mining Geology 2019 conference, Perth 25-26 November 2019

Domaining in Mineral Resource Estimation: A Stock-Take of 2019 Common Practice

Ford, A., Peters, K.J., Downes, P.M., Blevin, P.L., Greenfield, J.E., and Simpson, B. 2019 : In: Mines & Wines Abstracts, 25-27 September 2019, Wagga Wagga, Australia (invited presentation).

Mineral potential mapping as a strategic planning tool in the eastern Lachlan Orogen, NSW

Ford, A., Peters, K.J., Partington, G.A., Blevin, P.L., Downes, P.M., Fitzherbert, J.A., Greenfield, J.E. 2019 : Ore Geology Review, Volume 111, August 2019.

Translating expressions of intrusion-related mineral systems into mappable spatial proxies for mineral potential mapping: case studies from the Southern New England Orogen, Australia

Nielsen, S.H.H., Partington, G.A. Franey, D., Dwight, T., 2019 : in:Volume 109, June 2019, Pages 276-289

3D mineral potential modelling of gold distribution at the Tampia gold deposit

Nielsen, S.H.H., 2019 : PACRIMM conference, Auckland, 3-5 April 2019

Targeting Lithium Mineralisation in the Taupo Volcanic Zone, New Zealand

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