Belararox’s Belara Project
Kenex are providing a range of services to help Belararox advance their Belara Project in NSW
The Belara project is located 100 km north-northeast of Orange in Central NSW. Kenex applied for the Belara tenements EL 9184, ELA 6176 and ELA 6287 after identifying the project as prospective during monthly target reviews of newly free ground in Australia. The project was considered to have potential for resource development for VMS style zinc, copper, lead, silver, and gold. The Belararox company was formed to take the project to the market, listing on the ASX in early 2022. Since then, Kenex has been closely supporting Belararox Ltd (BRX) with a wide range of technical services.

Data compilation and review
Kenex compiled all the historical data from previous work done over the tenement areas. The compiled data underwent a QA/QC process and were integrated with existing databases. Historical geology maps were digitised for use in GIS. The project data was organised into a logical exploration GIS atlas structure.
Exploration Planning
Kenex helped to plan and organise the logistics for the initial exploration work on the Belara tenement, which consisted of a gradient array IP geophysical survey, a ground gravity survey, and a LIDAR survey focussed over the Belara and Native Bee historic underground mines. This work confirmed that the known mineralisation could be identified in the geophysical data and discovered additional anomalies that may extend the resource area.
Drill planning and support
Kenex helped to plan and organise the initial logistics for the phase one resource drill program at the Belara and Native Bee prospects. The drilling is aimed at delivering a resource in accordance with JORC 2012 Code guidelines and extending the resource determined by Ironbark Zinc Ltd.
Kenex geologists Tom and Joel have both assisted Belararox onsite with core and RC logging during the phase one drill program as well as undertaking some field mapping. Having experience with the project on the ground and seeing the geology first hand enables our geologists to support Belararox more effectively with desktop geology data management, geology mapping and 3D modelling.
Kenex set up a drill database for Belararox, incorporating new and historic data, and continues to manage the database. Daily drill logs are validated and added, portable XRF and assay data are processed and the QAQC data assessed. 3D visualisation of the data allows trends in the mineralisation to be identified in near real-time.

otv logging
Kenex is logging the downhole wireline data that is being acquired from the drillholes. These data provide valuable structural information from RC holes as well as physical pro
perties of the rocks. Belararox will use the results of this logging to help build the geological model that will constrain the resource.
mineral potential mapping
To make the most of the new geophysical data collected in 2022, Kenex completed a mineral potential mapping project over part of the Belara tenement to identify areas that have potential to host similar mineralisation to that at Belara and Native Bee. The work incorporated a range of recently collected and historical datasets and identified multiple high priority targets, which Belararox plan to drill in their phase two drill program.

Learn more about this project
Investibility interview with Greg Partington about mineral potential modelling targets
Useful Links
Belararox Website
Belararox Announcements
Belararox LinkedIn