
Keep up to date with Kenex latest projects, events, and announcements.

Two of our geologists Eli Zadeh and Natasha Lelieveld attended the Geology of Gold course in Melbourne which over the years this has been a great way for Kenex geologists to upskill or refresh their knowledge.

Our Geologist/GIS Analyst Phillip Greville visited Finland to collaborate and network with the other members of the AIMEX project.

Our first newsletter of the year is out! Discover exciting projects and news from the Kenex team. Wishing you a fantastic 2024!

Merry Christmas from the Kenex Team! Seasons greetings and office closure times in our latest newsletter

Our GIS Analyst Phil Greville is heading to NZEUC in Auckland next week to keep up to date with developments in ESRI software and connect with likeminded GIS enthusiasts

Happy Enkutatash, Ethiopian New Year celebration!

One of Kenex main services is compiling detailed and well organised GIS Atlases for our clients. Read about the latest Atlas project on Linkedin!

Field work for Kenex staff at our client MondoRox’s epithermal gold project Mount Rankin in Queensland.

Don’t miss your opportunity to catch up with our Business Development Manager Andrew Wilkins at the Noosa Mining Conference this week!

June Newsletter: Kenex mid-year news and updates

Staff training in Micromine

February 2023 Newsletter. New year, new people and projects at Kenex!

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