
Kenex co-founder Greg Partington and other members of the Kenex team have kept up an incredible track record of publishing papers in conference proceedings and scientific journals since Kenex was founded. You can read them here.

Payne C E, Cunnigham F, Peters, K J, Nielsen S H H, Partington G A, Puccioni E, Wildman C, 2015 : Ore Geology Reviews, 71:558-577.

From 2D to 3D: Prospectivity modelling in the Taupo Volcanic Zone, New Zealand

Nielsen, S H H, Falconer, R, and Wood, R, 2015 : AusIMM NZ branch conference, Dunedin, 31 August - 2 September 2015

Mineral Prospectivity Modelling as a Tool for Resource and Mine Development

Wildman, C, Puccioni E, Stokes, M A, and Schodde, R, 2015 : AusIMM NZ branch conference, Dunedin, 31 August - 2 September 2015

Enhancing regional and national economic development from mineral projects: The use of spatial analysis to inform on infrastructure deficit in Canada

Miller, A V M, Partington, G A, Kreuzer, O, Butera, K, Buckingham, A, and Ainoo, S, 2015 : AusIMM NZ branch conference, Dunedin, 31 August - 2 September 2015

Regional Prospectivity Modelling in Data-Poor Areas: The Kumasi Basin, Ghana

Payne, C E, Cunningham, F W, Wilkins, A J and Partington, G A, 2014 : AusIMM NZ branch conference, Hamilton, 24-27 August 2014

Improvements on 2D modelling with 3D spatial data: Sn prospectivity of Khartoum, Queensland, Australia

Miller, A V M, Partington, G A, Nielsen, S H H, Peters, K J and Puccioni, E, 2014 : AusIMM NZ branch conference, Hamilton, 24-27 August 2014

Exploration Targeting from Prospectivity Modelling of Multiple Deposit Types in the Lachlan Fold Belt, NSW

Cunningham, F W, Wilkins, A J, Payne, C E, Nielsen, S H H and Partington, G A, 2014 : AusIMM NZ branch conference, Hamilton, 24-27 August 2014

Targeting tin mineralisation using “3D Common Earth Models” in the Khartoum region, North Queensland, Australia

Peters, K J, McKenzie, C J, 2013 : World Gold Conference, Brisbane, 26-29 September 2013

New Zealand Gold Potential – Using Mineral Prospectivity Modelling to Evaluate Gold-Bearing Mineral Systems in an Underexplored Country

McKenzie, C J, Wood, R and Falconer, R, 2013 : AusIMM NZ branch conference, Nelson, 25-28 August 2013

From exploration to extraction: The consequences of resource morphology for mining operation on the Chatham Rise

Cunningham, F W, Peters, K J and Payne, C E, 2013 : AusIMM NZ branch conference, Nelson, 25-28 August 2013

3D prospectivity modelling – a new era in exploration targeting

Partington, GA, 2012 : Argentina Mining Conference, San Juan, 31 August-2 September 2012.

Developing Wind and Mineral Exploration Models using GIS for Project Development in Argentina

Wildman, C and Peters, K J, 2012 : AusIMM NZ branch conference, Rotorua, 26-29 August 2012.

Using predictive modelling to aid planning in the mineral exploration and mining sector, a case study using the Powelliphanta Land Snail

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