
Kenex staff regularly present their work at conferences and workshops in New Zealand, Australia and Internationally. Have a look at our latest video presentations or scroll back through our archives below.

Puccioni, E, 2012 : Esri Asia Pacific User Conference, Auckland, 5-7 November 2012.

Predicting the wind: Wind Farm prospecting using GIS

Partington, GA, 2012 : Argentina Mining Conference, San Juan, 31 August-2 September 2012.

Developing Wind and Mineral Exploration Models using GIS for Project Development in Argentina

Wildman, C and Peters, K J, 2012 : AusIMM NZ branch conference, Rotorua, 26-29 August 2012.

Using predictive modelling to aid planning in the mineral exploration and mining sector, a case study using the Powelliphanta Land Snail

Puccioni, E, 2012 : New Zealand Wind Energy Association Conference, Hamilton, 2-4 April 2012

Energy in the wind: integrating the transmission network for a better approach to wind farm prospecting

Wildman, C. and O'Donnell, R.J., 2011 : 40th Annual Conference of the Underwater Mining Institute, 14-18 September 2011, in Hilo, Hawai'i.

Prospectivity Modelling of Seafloor Massive Sulphide (SMS) Deposits in the Kermadec Arc and Colville Ridge Regions

Hughes, S.L.M., 2011 : AusIMM Conference, Queenstown, 27-30 August 2011.

Genesis of the Chatham Rise Phosphorite; an interpretation from current literature

O'Donnell, R.J. and Partington, G.A., 2011 : AusIMM Conference, Queenstown, 27-30 August 2011.

Resource assessment using GIS modelling of orogenic gold mineralisation potential in New Zealand

McKenzie, C.J., Wildman, C., Puccioni, E. 2010 : Underwater Mining Institute Conference, Gelendzhik, Russia, 4 - 6 Oct 2010.

Predictive modelling for environmental management and mineral exploration – potential applications for the marine minerals industry

Partington, G. A. 2010 : GeoComputing Conference, Brisbane, 29 Sept - 1 Oct 2010.

Exploration targeting using GIS: more than a digital light table

Hill, M. P. and Peters, K. J., 2010 : Australasian Institute of Mining and Metallurgy Conference Volume, New Zealand Branch Annual Conference, Auckland.

Resource assessment using GIS modelling of orogenic gold mineralisation and wind energy potential in Wellington, New Zealand

Partington, G. A., 2009 : AIG Northern Queensland Exploration and Mining Conference 2009, Townsville, Australia, 3-8 June.

Commercial Application of Spatial Data Modelling with Examples from North Queensland

Partington, G. A. and Hill, M. P., 2008 : Australasian Institute of Mining and Metallurgy Conference Volume, New Zealand Branch Annual Conference, Wellington, p. 413-422.

Modelling of mafic Ni-Cu-PGE and porphyry Cu-Au prospectivity throughout Southland, New Zealand

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